1. Handling Children's Artwork
Some parents with young children at the exploring age face the challenge of dealing with little ones who love drawing and writing on anything they can find. Their scribbles can end up on walls, floors, and furniture, making them tough to clean and time-consuming. Here are some easy ways to tackle these marks:
1. To remove stubborn scribbles, apply toothpaste to a damp cloth (preferably synthetic fabric) and rub it onto the stains.
2. You can also use hairspray, air fresheners, or perfume to spray on the marks and then wipe them off with water.
3. Another effective method is to use soda and a sponge. Pour the soda onto the sponge and gently scrub the drawings on the floor or table. Then rinse with clean water. This way, your child can enjoy creating masterpieces without worrying about messy walls.
2. Quick Tips to Remove Nail Polish Stains
If you accidentally spill or break your favorite nail polish bottle at home, it can feel like a double disaster. Not only do you lose your beloved nail polish, but you’re left with an unsightly stain in your house. Fortunately, there are a few tricks to help you clean up the mess:
1. Before the nail polish dries, immediately wipe away the spill, then wait for a few minutes. Use a tissue to gently scrub the stain and follow up with an eraser to remove any remaining marks. If the polish has already dried, spray some hairspray onto the stain and clean it off with warm water and soap.
2. In case nail polish spills onto your carpet, use the same steps to remove the stain and then wipe the area with a damp cloth.
3. Microwave Cleaning Tips
This simple hack will help you clean your microwave in just 5 minutes. Start by cutting a lemon in half and placing it in a cup, adding a few cinnamon sticks. Put the cup in the microwave and set it to low heat for about 5 to 10 minutes. The lemon will eliminate unpleasant odors, while the cinnamon helps freshen up the microwave even more.
Avoid spending too much time and effort cleaning the kitchen. Instead, try a few simple tricks to save time and achieve a spotless, gleaming kitchen. Start by mixing baking soda with olive oil to form a thick paste. Apply this mixture to any stains on the kitchen surfaces and leave it for 5-10 minutes. Finally, scrub with a cloth and a bit of soap.
5. Completely eliminate dust
To easily remove dust and reduce its recurrence in your home, place a few drops of essential oil on a paper towel and wipe it over the dusty areas of your home. Afterward, clean with a fresh paper towel. A thin layer of essential oil will remain on the surfaces, helping to keep dust at bay and leaving your furniture with a shiny finish.
6. Clean your iron with sea salt
Cleaning your iron is easy with this simple trick. First, sprinkle some sea salt onto a cloth, set your iron to the highest heat (make sure the steam setting is turned off), and then press it onto the salt. The stains will disappear on contact, leaving your iron's surface clean and shiny again.
7. Làm sạch vỏ gối ố vàng
Thật khó chịu khi phải nhìn thấy và sử dụng những chiếc ruột gối ngả màu ố vàng. Nhưng tin tốt là bạn hoàn toàn có thể khắc phục nó. Chỉ cần giặt gối với đầy đủ các thành phần theo công thức sau đây: 1 cốc bột giặt, 1 cốc nước tẩy, 1/2 cốc bột hàn the và nước thật nóng.
8. Clean your faucets and showerheads
What if the water you use for cooking and daily tasks is contaminated with bacteria from rust on your faucets? This could seriously harm your health. That's why it's crucial to clean your faucets and showerheads effectively and regularly.
- For faucets, soak a paper towel with vinegar and wrap it around the rusted areas for 30-40 minutes. Then, scrub the faucet clean for a shiny, like-new finish.
- For showerheads, place vinegar in a small plastic bag and tie it around the showerhead for at least one hour. Finally, run the water on full force to completely wash away dirt and rust.
9. Clean your mirrors and glass
Have you ever faced the problem of cleaning mirrors or glass only to find them dirtier after wiping? That's because you're not using the right method.
Simply mix vinegar with water in a 1:1 ratio, then spray it onto the glass. All the stains will easily vanish. For a pleasant scent in your home, add a few drops of natural essential oil to the mixture.
10. Clean your window sills
Window sills, especially the corners, tend to collect stubborn dirt that's hard to clean. Many people tend to skip this area during their cleaning routine. However, with just two 'magic' ingredients—baking soda and vinegar—you can easily tackle the grime on your window sills.
Start by sprinkling a little baking soda over the stains, then drop a few drops of vinegar on top. After about 15 minutes, the long-standing dirt and rust will loosen, making it easy for you to wipe it clean with a damp cloth.
11. Tips for Your Washing Machine
Sometimes, you don’t need expensive products to clean your washing machine. A little vinegar or lemon juice can do the job. Simply add some vinegar (or lemon juice) into the detergent compartment and run a regular wash cycle. Your washing machine will be as shiny as new.
Here’s another lesser-known trick to enhance the cleaning power when washing clothes: add a bit of vinegar or lemon juice along with your detergent. This boosts the washing efficiency, especially for colored clothes.
For clothes covered in pet hair, wash them with vinegar. The hairs will be easily removed, and they won’t stick to your clothes again after the wash.
12. Bathtub Cleaning Tips
To clean your bathtub effectively without wasting too much time or effort, try these simple tips. First, heat some vinegar in the microwave (make sure it’s just warm, not boiling). Then, mix the vinegar with soap or a cleaning solution in a 1:1 ratio. Let it sit for about 30 minutes, then scrub the bathtub with a sponge. The result will leave your bathtub sparkling clean and spotless.
13. Vệ sinh đồ chơi trẻ nhỏ
Phần lớn các ông bố bà mẹ đều bực tức trước những món đồ chơi của con cái mình bị vứt khắp sàn nhà, khắp những ngõ ngách. Và đặc biệt chúng bị tiếp xúc với rất nhiều bụi bẩn trên nền nhà. Điều này rất không tốt cho sức khỏe của trẻ nhỏ. Vì vậy đồ chơi của các bé phải được vệ sinh thường xuyên. Tuy nhiên để vệ sinh đồ chơi của trẻ mất rất nhiều thời gian và công sức. Bởi chúng nhiều và có những chi tiết nhỏ. Nên hãy cho những món đồ chơi ấy vào một chiếc túi chuyên dụng cho máy giặt và làm sạch chúng bằng máy giặt nhé.
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